Guiding Principles for Creativity

I am an intuitive and playful creative human. Some people misunderstand my nature. They think I must be messy and disorganized, guided by my whims and happenstance. The reality is that I am highly organized and thoughtful in my creative process. 

The foundation of everything I do is my morning guided meditation and my evening open awareness creative meditative flow. I am continuing to refine how I explain and share my process, so this blog will become a place for me to “think out loud.”

Let’s get started with a list of ideas that I started jotting down earlier this year.

13 Guiding Principles

  • Doing something with your hands is a cure for overthinking.
  • Structure creates freedom.
  • The body, mind, and heart grow and adapt with thoughtful attention. 
  • Little bits of consistency create powerful growth and change. 
  • Giving and receiving are different skills. Make sure to learn and practice both. 
  • You have enough tools to get started. Begin with what you have. Coloring is a simple way to start.
  • Define and refine your process. The output is a byproduct.
  • Conversation and connection is social capital.
  • Match your actions with your intentions and your words.
  • Honor physical pain. Approach it gently with love and curiosity.
  • Setting your intention provides a guiding North Star. It creates a framework to easily say YES or NO when someone asks for your time or money.
  • Seriously, you have enough art supplies. 
  • Creating is a way of thinking with your hands. Making visible your authentic self to share with others. 

Have you considered what your guiding principles are? Have you written them down? It is interesting how the pace of thoughts changes when you are writing and thinking vs. scrolling and liking. A great way to get into creative flow is through a mindfulness practice like I teach in the Mindful Doodles class

Enough of this…now go create something!

Mindful Creativity

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Guiding Principles for Creativity

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