I am excited to share my creative process for designing a mural for the Dr Pepper museum! It is so fantastic to be in a community that supports artists and brings unique opportunities to our city.
Creative Waco is partnering with the Dr Pepper museum for this year’s ARTPrenticeship mural. They asked local designers to submit ideas and after the rough sketches, designers would expand the idea and pitch their idea with a recorded video. Normally, I see opportunities like this and think about doing them and then start scrolling on my phone. This time, I decided to do it.
It is scary to step into action. It is easy to scroll and wish.
I learned a lot by stepping up to participate. Here is my video presentation of the final design.

My creative process continues to evolve. It always starts on paper and takes unexpected turns. Most of the time I have no idea how I get to the final design. The final design pitch requirement helped me think through my process and design decisions.
- Read the brief and take a long walk and think. (No music or media on the walk.)
- Look at the mood boards.
- Create Pinterest board for new ideas.
- Start with paper. For the first rounds, I like to work as large as I can. I keep a large (18″ x 24″) tablet of newsprint and a roll of paper to stretch out and free form sketch.
- Scribble key words and elements from the creative brief on the sides.
- Begin large scale first and then move to grid paper in composition notebook.
Reflect and Connect
- Move away from the creation to doing other tasks.
- Hang up sketches and look at them.
- Think about other inspirations and look through Pinterest.
Refine and Expand
- Practice drawing elements (at least 50 times per item).
- Bring sketches into Procreate (iPad) and play with a variety of ideas.
- Beginning mock-ups to see what the idea looks like in context as it takes shape.
Presentation and Pitch
- Think of how to present to client. Connect with original brief or notes from first meeting.
- Create slide deck and story of how it evolved and include design decisions.
- Add benefits of design choices.
My design was not chosen to be painted on the Dr Pepper museum. It was hard to hear that my design was not selected. This experience was amazing! I love the design I created and the way that I presented my work. I did my absolute best and look forward to the next opportunity to create original art for someone else.
- More about the ARTPrenticeship program
- Creative Brief for this project
- Video of final pitch presentation (It is a long video, there are time stamps in the description)